The Complete System for Building a Highly Profitable Online Course Business
What if you can turn ideas and expertise into a systematic online course & tap into a rapidly growing industry?

Do you want to build an online course business that is profitable and can give you the lifestyle you deserve?
A business that you can be proud of, that gives you fulfillment and brings impact to people?
Then this message is for you.

Hi, I'm Homer,
the Founder of Course Crafter
For the past 3 years, I built and launched different online course that generated over a million peso in income - I also started without any idea how this works.
Now, I'm going to reveal to you the exact & proven-system in building an online course business that I am using that will help you create income and freedom.
Course Creation and Marketing
If you are one of those entrepreneurs who are keep on chasing different marketing opportunity after the other and keep on ending being frustrated. Then creating a REAL, VALUABLE & SUSTAINABLE online course business is your way to go.
I will be more specific. I want to teach you how you can create an online course that you can sell for at least ₱10,000 - even if this is your first time to build an online course, with no large audience or no floods of website traffic. Yes, it is doable.
Imagine if you can sell a ₱ 10,000 course that you created yourself in your own platform (no predatory fee from the 3rd-party platforms involved) then having a couple of sales per day or week can be your ultimate ticket to achieve freedom.

Why I Love Building An Online Course?
You might get confused when I say online course business is the best business model. After all, people knew me as an owner of web design business that helps entrepreneur to have an online presence.
BUT HERE'S THE TRUTH: Without the help of selling an online course, I would not be able to sustain my website design business.
I started with the question: "Magbenta kaya ako ng course?". It was just an idea that lead me to a new adventure. Little did I know while doing all the stuff for the first time, I slowly gain traction from my audience and learn how to sell online course effectively. With that, I was able to make Digital Masters Academy sustainable.
Today, building a website design business takes more hard work, time to learn and resourcefulness than an online course business.
Unless you have an eye on design and really into technicalities. I won't advise to start your own.
Having said that - Many entrepreneurs fall into the same trap.
Stop chasing the shiny objects...

There is no exemption. We are all guilty. We got into the digital marketing game because we want some - or maybe all - of these things: Escape the 9-to-5, forget about the corporate politics, get rid of the traffic jam, have a sustainable and steady income and enjoy the TRUE LIFE FREEDOM.
But sad to say, most of us ended up chasing one business opportunity after another. One shiny object after one shiny object. Tirelessly looking for the promise of shortcut to easy money.
And at the end, we got no massive result and left us no other choice but to try again - desperately.
EXAMPLE: We focused much of our time writing an article and driving traffic to our website so that we can submit it to Google Ad Sense and earn something like $0.20 to $.50 commission.
...or signing up to a per per click site to watch a boring 30-seconder ad or fill-up some survey about household stuffs just to earn $.05 to $.10 which mostly consume our free time.
...or we send "spammy" messages to strangers and populate our social media to promote an unknown brand of products to have a $1 - $3 per sale commission.
...or maybe building a YouTube channel... spending much on a full-blown video production set-up hoping to get our first 1,000 subscribers and start monetizing.
...or maybe creating an in-depth review about different software and tools with our affiliate link.. stressing ourselves to have a huge web traffic hoping that someone will click one of our links.
...or maybe joining a "rich-quick" investment to get more out of our money... believing that it is the only chance to make money work for us.
Quite exhausting opportunities, right?
But hey! Those I mentioned above: that was me at some point.
I made decisions that turns out to be worthless & risky.
At some point, I figured out how to do all these "easy business" thing. Drive traffic, get referrals and generate sales. At first, it looks like a perfect plan to freedom. But eventually, I realized that I am NOT making real results to live the lifestyle that I want.
And these "businesses" are not something that I can be proud of.
There are times that I have to fake a result to have a perfect presentation of the business. And that is something that I cannot do anymore.
I am happy that those days of telling lies about success are gone.
Finally, I was able to start a REAL BUSINESS.
Fortunately, I was able to find my courage to try another business. It is about creating and selling an ebook. So, I hired a freelancer to write my ideas and packaged it as a solution to a well-defined audience.
It is not that easy. Most especially after doing the business for half a year I haven't generated any sale. Doubts and fears are coming to me from time to time if I can still gonna make it work.
Two more moths passed and I decided to apply the ebook business system to an online course. And let me tell you this: The process of creating an ebook and online course is almost the same. Only that the online course is much profitable and have a higher perceived value.
So, in early 2018, I officially launched my 1st ever online master class. I did that without the "real idea" how it goes, how to make a live presentation, what are the software to use, how many days should I run the program, how many modules it should be, how to inform my audience, how to have a quality audience and so on.
I have an endless list of stuff that I don't know.
All of the things needed to execute a well-crafted online course - based on what we call experts - was not present.
But I did it anyway. And it was a SUCCESS.

That initial launch generated my first six-figure income in digital marketing - selling an online course.
And it also paved the way to a much more exciting opportunities. Like being interviewed in Negosyo University, got invited to different talks and events. More importantly, I was able to helped other online entrepreneurs to overcome their technical struggles from their businesses.
From that "first time & trying hard" course launch, People started to like and thank me for the product I'd created. They share how they where able to conquer their fears in technicalities and how useful all the things they learnt from the online course they bought from me.
As a matter of fact, they wanted me to create more products. They wanted to learn more from me.
And knowing these things makes me proud and happy. That is far more different from all the "easy opportunities" I've done before.
Now, I feel the sense doing something REAL.
From that moment, I never looked back and accepted the mission of helping fellow internet business owners. I built different online course with real value and sell it to people whom it makes impact and difference to their lives.

Student from Website Building Masterclass Batch 1

Student from Website Building Masterclass Batch 4

Student from Website for E-book Business Masterclass
I believe that putting yourself out there and sharing your knowledge to other people through online course is a priceless act. That's why I love creating an online course!
Maybe this is not new to you, and maybe, right now you're thinking:
"Homer, I've done what you've done. I am creating value and sharing my expertise. In fact, I am already selling an online course. But it is NOT working for me."
Maybe you're already creating value and content for your audience. Maybe you are already selling your expertise through ebook and online course... But you're still not getting REAL RESULTS.
Look. Many coaches are trapped in the loop of chasing the easy money because they undervalue themselves and ends up working too much, for a little reward.
Maybe you know what you're good at but you don't know how to get started. Maybe you already started but you don't know what's the next step. Or maybe you're in the middle of building an online course but you don't know exactly how to put all the small pieces together.
There are a lot of "maybes" in the online course business. And I cannot blame you if you lost along the way and don't get the results you wanted.
But what if there is an exact system that can turn your expertise and knowledge into an online course?
That's exactly what you'll discover at the COURSE CRAFTER program.
What is the EXACT SYSTEM I am talking about?
Creating and selling an online course doesn't guarantee your success.
In fact, there are countless of course creators on platforms like Udemy are struggling to make just good enough out of their efforts.
The exact system I am about to teach you is NOT just having a stream of income out of your expertise. Not even just creating an online course.
It is about crafting an online course based on a secret formula that I am using. This is a blueprint that I developed so that you sell your course for ₱ 10,000 on your own platform (instead of $19 on platforms you don't own).
Also, I won't teach you how to create an online course and hope for the best. That won't work. Instead, we will talk about the importance of having a well-defined audience, building a highly marketable course and setting-up a working automated system.
Why Online Course Business is THE BEST?
Alright, so online course is packaging your knowledge and expertise into something valuable to help people. In short, you are making a solution. It is also highly profitable and highly satisfying. But that's not the only advantage of it.
Here's why creating an online course makes you a winner.
The "Anytime-Anywhere" Business
This is the business that you can fully run from a laptop. No office space and reporting time required. And since the course is delivered online, you can be available to your customers 24/7. You can do this business at your own time. Take a day off or a vacation.
This is means: low cost, less complications and most importantly... freedom.

The "Bootstrap-able" Business
Bootstrapping means getting into or out of the situation using the existing resources. In business, this simply means starting up a business with minimal cost and low risk. And online course is perfect for this. You can create a valuable, professional and well-presented online course without breaking your bank.
You can earn 6 figures before you have to spend a couple of hundred dollars.

The "Scalable-Profitable" Business
This business is SO scalable and SO profitable. Once you created the course, selling 100 or 1,000 copies costs you the same effort of selling one copy of it. Online course can be an awesome source of income without spending much on the overhead cost. You also don't have to repeat the whole process once it is set up.

The "Real Game" Business
Selling your own online course is doing the real business. It is challenging and intense. You will get to experience the true online marketing in a couple of months of working your online course than you do in years of reading marketing books and articles. It is learning-by-doing at its finest.

The "You'll-Be-Expert" Business
Your online course is about the topic you are interested in - even passionate about. But in the process of building the course, you are increasing your knowledge and deepen your experience. If you're an expert, you'll be more expert. If you're an amateur in creating an online course, you'll be an expert.
This means: Once you started an online course business, You'll be an expert - no matter what.

The "Instant-Authority" Business
When you have a product, people see you as an authority. Having an online course gives you the privilege of being someone who can be recognize as a leader in the industry.
You don't have to published several number of books to be interviewed for shows and events. The online course business itself can give you more than you expected.

"Online Course is a great way to level-up." -
The online course business is great right now. And probably on the next years to come.
In fact, according to Statista, the e-learning market worldwide is forecast to surpass $243 billion by 2022. And Global Industry predicted it will rise to over $300 billion by 2025. Yes, you read that right. Those are in billions.
In other words: This is a rapidly growing market.
We are living in the digital era right now where education can now be accessible through digital toolbox - from engaging devices to different digital information products like online course. And learning via online course is set to grow for the following years to come.
If you're exhausted in trying different opportunities only find out that you will end up being frustrated - start an online course business and ride your way UP.
The Online Course Business is Great... BUT...
So, online course business is awesome, bootstrappable, lifestyle-freedom business model. But that doesn't mean creating just any typical and old-school style course is a sure win to success.
You can find people who already got their hands in the online course business and came out disappointed.
That's because, to be honest, most entrepreneurs doing this online course business the other way around.
Let me break down to you the typical mistakes that lead to online course business failure.
The Tech Troubles
Building an online course business has many moving parts. When you start getting into it, you will find more questions than answers.
It is like a loop of questions. When you found 1 solution you get 2 more new problems.
The Platform Problems

Okay, let's forget about all the technical problems. There are some platforms that offers this feature right away.
In fact, starting your online course in other platforms is easy. BUT THERE IS A CATCH. Once you're in, you will eventually realized that there some LIMITATIONS in these platforms.
Generally, 3rd-party platforms comes in two different type: the "Market-Only" platform and the "Tech-Only" platform.
There are platforms who keeps most of the money generated from the sale of your product. Most especially, if you did not directly or personally refer the customer.
Platforms like Udemy is a great example, where you only need a "built-in" marketing and you get to access millions of users.
But ONLY the top 1% of the sellers in this kind of platform benefit from it. For the rest, they have to battle and bargain their courses and most of the them leave no choice but to "underpriced" their offer.
After all, other courses are offered as an alternative even audience are viewing your OWN SALESPAGE.
One more problem is that you don't have the control over the pricing. Courses inside these platforms often range from $10 - $20 no matter how extensive or valuable they are. They can also run a promotion without your consent. So, even you sold a 100 or 1,000 copies of your course, you don't made much money at all.
The second type or rather "trap" is the TECH-ONLY platform. No ready-made audience. You just get an all-in-one system where you can host all your online courses. You have to do the advertising and marketing on your own.
This is where the problem comes in. You are required to pay a monthly subscription fee - even if you're not getting any sales yet. Also, naturally, you often want to do something different to give your customer a "personalized experience", BUT you often got the answer: "SORRY, WE CAN'T DO THAT."
You are simply stuck in a platform where you pay $10 - 50 per month. And Oh! if you stop paying, your course, program, customers, -EVERYTHING YOU'VE BUILT. It will all disappear - JUST LIKE THAT.
You know why I am calling them a problems? Because they are actually a problem for coaches like you.
The Easy Money Approach

Some online marketers look at the e-learning industry as "the easiest way to create easy money."
They just create a half-baked, unoriginal, purely hype and all-sizzle-no-steak content online course to trick people to earn as much money as they could. They are desperate to get more quick bucks from people.
Well, This approach might work. BUT ONLY ONCE. You can't fool people twice.
The way to succeed in this industry is to create a quality online course that can make your customers eager to LEARN MORE FROM YOU.
Remember: There is no such thing as building an overnight TRUE-LOYAL fans.
The Know It All Approach

Coaches fall into the trap where they create an online course with overwhelming information. They teach EVERYTHING - even those that is not related and necessary. And most of the time, this approach leads to a confusing, boring, typical and hard to get lessons.
Yes, coaches are experts. But the teaching will be more awesome if customers can understand every lesson inside the course.
To create a successful online course, you need to understand how your audience think, what are the things they want and what are the things they need. You have to address every issue and fear and build a marketing around it.
One of the biggest challenges for online course creators is building a product that people loves to buy, not just a product that contains a lot of information.
Customers wants solution not just information.
The Secret Formula of Course Crafter is Finally Revealed...
Inside the Course Crafter Program, I will teach you an entire system in creating and marketing an online course.
This simply means that we will cover everything you need to successfully launch an online course business and avoid all the "TRAPS" I mentioned above. We will cover THREE CORE MODULES:
Everything you need to create, sell, deliver and protect the online course, on your own platform that you can control even without hiring any web developer. - 2THE COURSE CREATION
Everything you validate your ideas and turn them into a highly-valuable and highly-profitable online course. - 3THE COURSE MARKETING
Everything you need to launch a successful online course, the funnels in marketing your product and strategies to gain more traction from your audience.
This is not the typical online course you bought before. I will not teach you how to create an online course and leave you hanging when it comes to selling and marketing the product.
This is a complete system that I personally use over and over again that gave me a massive results in selling my courses.
I will tell you exactly what you get inside the program. But first, let me be clear about some things...
I want to set the right expectations here. Course Crafter Program is not the usual online course you'll find out there.
Course Crafter is NOT for "Info Hoarder"
This course is not about watching all the lessons and doing nothing with it. This is an implementation-focused course. I will not give you a bunch of information to download. Instead, I want you to implement all the knowledge you will get inside the course and get your result as fast as you could.
Don't sign up if you don't want to take action. This is not your another shiny object.
Course Crafter is NOT "Anything for Money"
This course is not about creating anything just to earn more money. In this course, you have to do the heavy work in creating a REAL, VALUABLE and HIGH-QUALITY online course to help your audience get their desired results.
If you're not interested in providing a REAL VALUE for your customers and just want some copy/paste content, Course Crafter is not for you.
Course Crafter is NOT Just About Crafting a Course
This course is not about creating anything and trick people to earn more money. In this course, you have to do the heavy work in creating a REAL, VALUABLE and HIGH-QUALITY online course to help your audience get their desired results.
If you're not interested in providing a REAL VALUE for your customers and just want some copy/paste content, Course Crafter is not for you.
The Online Course Secret Formula:
The Audience + The Course + The Marketing
As an online course creator, your task is not just to create an online course and sell it: This is not the best way to build a solid and profitable online course business.
Also, you don't have to focus more in building the entire structure of the course and sell sell sell.... Which most of the time, resulting to NO SALE.
Using the online course formula is a game-changer:
The Audience + The Course + The Marketing
- 1You need to start by identifying what your audience wants and needs and what is their ultimate goal. Those are the exact ideas you need to have and package them as an online course to build a sellable product.Your AUDIENCE should be your top of mind from day one creating the course up to the future building your online course business empire.
- 2Then, once you identified your market and their needs. Your next task is to build a product based on your audience's problems. You have to position your online course as the main solution to achieve their goals.Your COURSE should be high in value, practical and actionable solution that helps your audience.
- 3Then, the next step is to do the right marketing to your audience and generate a sale from selling the course. You have to build a solid and working system that can help your business to be sustainable and profitable as possible.Your MARKETING decides the fate of your online course business because sales doesn't come from anywhere unless you do the right marketing.
This is the SECRET FORMULA you have to implement for your online course business. The exact process of building an entire system of solution that is addressed directly to your audiences' problems. At the same time, this is how you can 100x your result in building the empire of online course: high-value, profitable, sustainable and SOLID BUSINESS.
What You'll Get If You Join The Course Crafter Program Today?
COURSE CRAFTER is an online course consisting of video lessons, various resources and exercises that will walk you through the entire process of building a complete and working online course business.
This is a system that will help you create your own online course: that you can sell for at least ₱ 10,000.
The whole program includes the 3 Major Modules to launch a successful online course:

What You'll Learn Inside The Course Crafter?
Get Paid, Give Access
The simplest way to setup your own platform where you get paid and give access to your customers, automatically.
Content Protection
How to make sure that your content is ONLY accessible by your customers & can't be shared illegally,
Video Lessons Guide
How to record your video lessons and publish it to have well-presented, professional-looking modules using video software.
Email List Guide
How to setup your email marketing in a way that your customers are added to the correct email list, automatically.
Idea Validation
How to validate your idea to create a winning online course topic that your audience loves to buy.
Beating Competition
How to separate yourself from the tight competition in your market and stand out to your audience.
Sales Copy Cheat Code
How to create a persuasive sales copy that hook your customers to your offer and makes the marketing easy.
Sales Page Priority Style
This is the strategy that teach you exactly where you need to start when building an online course business.
Pre-launch Approach
The strategy you can use to generate a good income from your online course, even if it is not yet complete.
Online Course Funnel
The exact blueprint of the funnel you can use to launch your online course business, step-by-step.
Bunch of Bonuses Inside the Course Crafter
In this course, we will not only teach you the whole setup of the entire system for your online course. Instead, we will GIVE YOU the PREMIUM resources you need in order create your course, get paid and control the access of your customers. ALL FOR FREE!

A powerful Wordpress plugin that enables you to build a well-structured and well-presented online course platform.
$67 one license FREE

A true front-end drag-and-drop Wordpress plugin that allows you to build a professional-looking and conversion-focused website without hiring a professional designers.
$67 one license FREE

An ultimate Wordpress plugin that gives you an over all control of your course when it comes to pricing plan and customer restriction.
$199 per year FREE

The plugin that you will surely love with its smooth interface in building your online course funnel to get paid and deliver your product, automatically.
$299 per year FREE
A total of $632 worth of BONUES waiting for you if you join the Course Crafter Program today.
You see, we don't want you to sign up to this course and got frustrated because you have to spend another dime to buy all the required tools. We got you covered on that part.
We already prepared them for you. These PERFECT TOOLS will be yours.
Can You Really Trust Me in Building an
Online Course Business?

Okay, so I am claiming that I can help you launch an online course business and build your own online course that you can sell for ₱ 10,000 per copy. But can you really trust me on this? After all, there are a lot of fake gurus out there who claim to be an "expert" and in the end, what they have is only false claims and promises.
I totally understand you about being skeptical on this. In an online space where we are right now, many people can easily say that they are your best chance that can lead you to success: Some are people who have made a couple of income and suddenly start teaching how to make money.
Now, I will share to you TWO things about me that can ease your mind:
1. I love helping and teaching fellow online entrepreneurs.
2. I don't trick people to earn money.
Just like what I am always saying, "Online course business is the best business model in the world." But it is not the only thing I do for a living. For the past three years doing internet business, I already built a solid and sustainable web design business: I handles multiple clients that gave me good enough income to sustain my lifestyle.
I am proud that I built this kind business from the ground even on solo.
I am NOT like those who do "everything for money". I don't trick people just to earn money. Honestly, teaching online course is not really my job, but I do agree that starting an online business is NOT EASY. Most especially, if you're only working with one product with very minimum price and almost zero audience.
Cheap digital products and not enough market are the things that drives me to start an online course business. So, whether you're just thinking to have this kind of business or planning to build your online course, I know how you feel. That's why I am revealing my SECRET FORMULA, so finally, you can have your own online course business. FOR REAL!
Are You Ready To Start Your Own
Online Course Business?
If you've been so eager to build your very first online course, but you feel like you're ideas are too scattered and you're not expert enough, COURSE CRAFTER will guide you to have a clear, systematic, well-structured and high-value online course.
If you've tried chasing different opportunities or still trying your luck to have massive results that can give income and freedom, COURSE CRAFTER will guide you to have a REAL business based on REAL product that brings REAL value to people.
If you've been struggling to gain traction and reach more audience for your business, apply the COURSE CRAFTER strategy and you'll suddenly find that it's so much easier to be recognize as an expert and be the top of mind of your market.
If you've been frustrated in the process of building your online course and eventually got desperate to sell it on a "cheapest price" to generate some money, You might feel the worst feeling ever as a coach: Not getting paid for what you're worth. Take the Course Crafter Program and you will have a clear path to create a product that you can price for ₱ 10,000 and make your customers happy.
Does This Secret Formula Really Work?
Okay, I don't want to make any claim for the things I can't back up. In fact, before I launch this Course Crafter Program, first, I made an online course about building an automated ebook website that boarded more than 60 students after two launches.
I applied the same exact formula of Course Crafter in that program from idea validation, creating a product, gathering leads, building your funnel to launching your online course.
Inside the Course Crafter is an entire system that will give you a clear and straight forward guide in building your online course.
You will learn the SYSTEM.
An actual system that I am been using in my online course business: Starting from an idea validation, making it as a product, launching it and finally doing the marketing to help people achieve their goals and scale your business.
Get Access The Course Crafter Program Today!

SPECIAL OFFER: Sign up today to get the course at the lowest price ever!
This offer is available for you right now. Since the course is in pre-launch, we are offering it at the reduced price. We give you a special offer on top of the special offer.
This is offer available for a limited time, you'll never be able to get this course as cheaply as this again.
₱ 14,997.00 ₱ 12,997.00 ₱7,997.00
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You can also SIGN-UP using the following options below:

Step 1. DEPOSIT YOUR PAYMENT with the amount of ₱ 7,997.00 using the following details below.
Receiver's Name: Homerson Bonifacio
Contact Number: 0998-3643222
Address: Mandaluyong City
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Banco De Oro Savings Account Number: 010980023661
Account Name: Homerson Bonifacio
Bank of Commerce Savings Account Number: 049200057600
Account Name: Homerson Bonifacio
Bank of the Philippine Island Savings Account Number: 2509159583
Account Name: Homerson Bonifacio
Step 2. SEND US THE PROOF OF PAYMENT. Write your name and contact number to the deposit slip. Scan or take a picture of your copy of deposit slip and email it to for verification. Include the subject "COURSE CRAFTER PAYMENT"
Step 3. You will receive a confirmation email and instruction to access the course.
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Step 3. Take a screenshot of your payment and email it to for verification. Include the subject "COURSE CRAFTER PAYMENT"
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Step 2. SCAN THE QR CODE given above (Note: If you're browsing this page through mobile phone, you have to download first the image by clicking on it. So, can upload it on your BPI MOBILE app by using "Import QR from Gallery"). Simply follow the BPI APP instruction until you get payment confirmation.
Step 3. Take a screenshot of your payment and email it to for verification. Include the subject "COURSE CRAFTER PAYMENT"
Step 3. You will receive a confirmation email and instruction to access the course.
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If, for any reason, you feel like the Course Crafter isn't worth of your investment, you can get a full refund anytime within 30 days after your purchase. Simply send us an email at and we will process your refund, no questions asked.
DISCLAIMER: This is NOT an "Easy Money Opportunity"
The goal of this course is very clear. I will teach you an entire system to build an online course business. A business where you can build an online course that you can sell for ₱ 10,000. It is important that you understand the main goal of this program. It is not about creating a ₱ 1,000 ebook or ₱ 50,000 consultancy program.
Nothing on this page guaranteed that you can generate an income or any income after joining the program. The process needs hard work and you still have to be responsible for your own business. You are an entrepreneur now.
Course Crafter is NOT a "quick rich scheme" where you only have to shell out some thousands of peso then you will get double. This is not an alternative for MLM or other money trick system.
I will teach you a system. And inside that system there is a process. You cannot launch a successful online course by just watching all the lessons. We have some work to do here.
ONLY Join the Course Crafter if you want to build a real business by creating a real product to help more people. Don't sign up if you're just looking for another shiny object in your life.